Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A ray of hope & health …

Discover the wonderful healing effects of sunrays...

During the worst of times how often have you flitted from one doctor to another and one counsellor to another looking for a panacea for all your physical ills and emotional qualms? There are times when nothing works. But don’t lose heart, there’s a natural cure. Just soak in the sun, invoke its rays and heal yourself…

Management consultant Abhinav Asija had rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis. Though doctors said it was all due to stress, such answers never satisfied him. “Then I found a remedy in Surya Namaskar which is actually energy healing,” says Abhinav. “Even my doctors were stunned by my quick recovery. Today, I am all fit and fine. I make it a point to do this ‘medical ritual’ every morning,” he added elatedly.
The sun’s rays have been known to have magical healing qualities. As per senior physician DK Gupta says, “Sunlight is the principal curative agent in nature’s laboratory. Where light cannot enter, disease does. Chlorosis, anaemia, leukaemia, emaciation, muscular debility, degeneration of heart and liver, softening of bones, nervous excitability, physical deformity, stunted growth and consumption are the result of excluding oneself from the beneficial effects of sunlight.”
Each ray has different vibrations, colours and qualities, which if used properly could do wonders to the body and mind. Event manager Priyanka Sood swears by the amazing effects of following a simple practice of offering water to the sun. “Sometimes we follow rituals without realising the real meaning of it. I have been offering water to the sun for two years now and there have been tremendous changes in me. My work capacity has gone up and I no longer feel stressed,” she says.  
Let’s get to know the miraculous benefits of each of these seven rays:

Ruby Ray (Deep Pink):
Grace. Ruby ray represents the concentrated action of peace. Spiritual nourishment also comes under this ray; it is the ray of devotion, worship and faith in God. Priests, healers and peacemakers come under this ray. When regularly meditated upon this ray, ruby red brings peace and tranquillity in one’s life. This ray strengthens the bones, heals muscular pains, arthritis, spondylitis, and frozen shoulders. Ruby is the gem of this ray.  

Violet Ray:
Violet ray is beneficial in the treatment of nervous and emotional disturbances, arthritis, acute cases of consumption and insomnia. This ray has the power of deep cleansing and is also called the ray of forgiveness. It is extremely beneficial to use this ray to heal all body pains and release karmic issues.

Yellow Gold Ray:
Associated with illumination, love, wisdom, spiritual aspiration, joy and happiness, yellow gold ray is laxative and diuretic. This ray activates the unused parts of the brain and brings better results. Helpful in increasing memory and concentration power, it is a stimulant to the brain, the liver and the spleen. Yellow ray is also effective in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion, kidney and liver disorders, constipation, eye and throat infections and impotence.

Green Ray:
Made up of the blue and yellow, green is regarded as a ray of harmony. It is a mild sedative. It is useful in the treatment of nervous conditions, hay fever, ulcers, influenza, malaria, colds, asthma, heart problems, sexual disorders, tuberculosis and cancer. It preserves and strengthens eyesight. Being highly medicinal and depressive, it is of great help in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. This ray is useful for children who are under pressure to learn science and mathematics. Green ray bestows mercy in each human’s heart. It boosts the morale and helps people suffering from a low self esteem.  

Protection, power, strength, courage, faith, will power and initiative. The main activity of this ray is to eliminate negative substances from the environment. This ray restores faith in all that we do and helps overcome indecisiveness even in the most difficult situation. Cool, soothing and sedative, blue alleviates pain, reducing bleeding and heals burns. Blue is beneficial in the treatment of dysentery, colic, asthma, thyroid, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure and skin aberrations. In a study at the New England State Hospital in the United States, 25 members of staff with normal blood pressure were bathed in blue light for half an hour. It resulted in universal fall in blood pressure. The blood pressure rose when red light was applied.

Pink Ray:
Love, adoration, compassion, healing and forgiveness. The divine quality of this ray is charity and it prevents discord. Pink ray is extremely useful to heal and remove any situation of anger, bitterness and hatred. Constant use of the pink ray can soften even the most hardened hearts. It creates love in one’s personal life. The pink rays are used to heal lack of love, heart related problems, blood pressure palpitations and depression.

White Ray:
Purity, clarity, humility and sacrifice. The quality of this ray is hope. The white ray heals all hard and negative substances, ideas and beliefs. This ray takes the responsibility of removing the negative vibes created by negative sources like black magic, curse etc. This ray is used to heal severe headaches, migraine, irritability and skin diseases.

How to use the rays?
All you need is faith. According to your needs, call the ray and feel it enveloping your being or situation. Wait for five minutes and allow the body to absorb the specific ray to the point of fullness. This can be done indoors too. All it requires is for you to imagine that you are absorbing the rays. You can allow these rays to penetrate your body while going for a morning walk, during your routine surya puja or while watering your plants. You don’t have to see the rays. The healing will take place automatically through your mind that allows accepting it. For example, for a headache one can invoke the violet colour like this: “I ask for the violet ray to heal my headache.” Or, “I invoke the blue ray to heal my throat pain.”
It’s all in the mind
A part of colour healing, invoking sunrays is a leading technique in alternative (holistic) healing that is primarily based on the patient’s personal desire, intent and follow-through in the therapeutic process. Therefore, to benefit from this age-old, scientific technique, one first needs to discover the power of mind and visualisation. How often have you thought about your favorite dessert and started salivating? You may not have known it, but you were practicing visualisation. This technique of mind over body can actually be used to help treat a range of medical conditions, from warts to cancer. The degree of benefit depends on your level of concentration. To explain it biologically - When we visualise something very innately in a relaxed state of mind, many chemicals, essentially hormones like endorphins and serotonin, are produced in our body. These hormones in turn activate the body’s own intrinsic capacity to heal. Our body responds with a physical and physiological response just based on a couple of seconds of imagining something. So, discover the power within you and see how your mind works wonders in curing various diseases and keeping you fit by invoking sunrays.
Explore the magical benefits of sunrays and try healing yourself through nature’s curative power.

Shilpi Shukla

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